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Hi I’m Shane Taylor and my passion is volleyball. Volleyball is a great way to exercise and become a very healthy person. First off, volleyball is a very good exercise for anyone that is able to move. Also, volleyball has many health benefits that can make you a healthy person. In addition, volleyball improves your agility and speed. Finally, volleyball can help in many different ways.

                First off, volleyball is a very good exercise for anyone that is able to move. Volleyball is a good exercise because you are constantly moving your body(1). This is true because in volleyball you must run for the ball and get under it to hit it. Also, you must be in a squatting position the entire game to be ready. You must be ready to get the ball. Are you up for the challenge?

                Also, volleyball has many health benefits that can make you a healthy person. In volleyball you are running for the ball which is cardio fitness. Cardio Fitness improves you heart strength and increases your metabolism(2).  Also, when you run after the ball you are burning calories. Finally, do you think you would want to play this sport?

                 In addition, volleyball improves your agility and speed(3). This is true because you are constantly running and jumping in a game. Also, when you jump around you are improving your agility. This is also true because agility is the ability to move without having any trouble. To sum it up, volleyball is going to improve your agility if you can play it long enough.

                Furthermore, would you like to play volleyball? Would you ever need more exercise to burn of calories? If so play volleyball. Finally, if you would like to play volleyball join your nearest club or try out for a school.

                In conclusion, my passion is volleyball and I want to share it with you. Last but not least, I hope everyone one day can like volleyball.



1=, Volleyball Benefits, Paragraph 2

2=, The Health Benefits of Volleyball, Paragraph 4

3=, Top 5 Benefits of Volleyball, Paragraph 1